Member Statement - Victoria

You will be aware that an Independent Inquiry into Alleged Bullying of Employees and Cultural Issues at the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is being conducted by an independent chair Mr Greg Smith AM. AIBS has made a substantial submission to the inquiry.
The inquiry is being conducted in two parts, or tranches, with the first part focussing on urgent issues that may have adverse impacts on employees currently. 
You may have noticed reports in news and social media this week relating to Mr Smith’s Report on Tranche 1 of the inquiry. AIBS has been asked to contribute to media reports. However, at this stage, we do not intend to make any public statements about the inquiry until Tranche 2 is completed. 
The reason for staying out of public debate about the VBA at the moment is to ensure we do not undermine the inquiry by airing our evidence from the AIBS submission in public. The submission is extensive and a great deal of time and effort went into producing it. We expect it is now being considered as part of Tranche 2 of the inquiry. In the meantime, we stand by our AIBS Public Statement regarding the Victorian Building Authority issued in June 2022. 
We await the full results of the inquiry and keep you informed of any developments.