Member Alert – NCC 2022 Corrections 

Members are alerted to changes that have been made to NCC 2022 since 1 October 2022. 

The ABCB has issued an advice to industry confirming that since 1 October 2022 there have been changes made to all three volumes of the published version of NCC 2022 which have not been communicated.

The changes are corrections that are generally to fix typographical errors and links between clauses. AIBS has noted some of these errors in the early days since NCC 2022 was published and the issues we have raised have resulted in corrections having been made.

Members who have downloaded a version of any of the NCC 2022 volumes may have an outdated version. Care should be taken in ensuring that any advice given is linked to a version that can be identified, necessarily by the date you downloaded this as the ABCB have not provided any other means of identifying versions.

The ABCB will provide a list of the changes that have been made and we have asked that this also indicate the date each change was made.

It will be necessary for the ABCB to make further changes to correct errors that currently exist in NCC 2022. We are happy to report that the ABCB has changed its process so that going forward, there will be better transparency when this happens. 

AIBS agrees with members who have told us that it is unfortunate that for a range of reasons it has not been possible to get the NCC 2022 to the standard where these changes are not required ahead of publication. AIBS supports rectification of the errors that have been identified ahead of 1 May 2023 so that regulators can confidently reference NCC 2022 from that date.

We urge members who are aware of incorrect items to please notify us so that we can ensure that errors that have not already been identified can be raised with the ABCB’s editorial team as soon as possible.

For information about the ABCB’s advice to industry, please click here

If members have any concerns arising from this advice, please contact us via [email protected].