AIBS Professional Standards Scheme Commencement in Victoria

The Board of AIBS is proud to announce the commencement of the AIBS Professional Standards Scheme (PSS) for Building Surveyors in Victoria on 1st September 2021.  This means that the AIBS Professional Standards Scheme for Building Surveyors is now in effect across all States & Territories.
Those members that have provided the appropriate Professional Standards Scheme declarations and had this confirmed by the AIBS office, are now subject to the AIBS Professional Standards Scheme and will have their liability limited in accordance with the scheme from yesterday. It is also important for these members that they must now ensure they make the appropriate disclosures as required in accordance with the Scheme. These disclosure requirements and all Scheme information can be found here.
AIBS members not exempted from the Scheme, and yet to provide their PSS declarations, will not be covered under the PSS until their completed declaration form is received in the AIBS office. The member will be notified when the form is received and when the scheme will apply to them.
If you require further information or clarification, please call the AIBS Office on 1300 312 427 or email [email protected]