AIBS Specialist Advisory Groups

AIBS has created Specialist Advisory Groups as required by the National Board to provide specialist advice on a number of topics. The current Specialist Advisory Groups and a list of their members can be found below.

Technical Specialist Advisory Group

Tim O’Reilly (Chair)
Gabriel Barnes 
Benjamin Cripps
Peter Harmer 
Cath Patterson 

Education Specialist Advisory Group 

Jeremy Dicello 
Debbie Frisby
Dr. Kim Maund 
Dr. Darryl O’Brien
Prof. George Zillante 

Women’s Specialist Advisory Group

Tiana McSevney
Abby Mortimer (resigned 29.3.21)
Sara Philpott
Deborah Worsley-Pine

Fire Safety Specialist Advisory Group  

Tim O’Reilly (Chair)
Ari Akritidis
Allan Harriman
Cath Patterson